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P.S. to the photos or photo series ... I always made 4 different variations of all photos, mostly. That means, 1 photographed picture is afterwards in 4 different looks (b / w - color - soft b / w or also in extremely dark b / w picture look) what you like now, I leave that to you. So be forewarned and it's not a scam or I want to present more pictures than I took. But I like the one photo better in a dark b / w image look and sometimes in a soft one with a delicate blue cast or in color! I don't know what you like about it, I always leave the choice to you, what you like better.

No video was faked or rerun because someone made a mistake or because something went wrong. No orgasm is faked or expected of the woman to pretend she has had one.

Real session - real submissive women - no fakes and no woman is paid by me or has seen me before the end of the session!

Please remember that the same photo series image title always only shows you a different image look from the same original photo.
Someone might think it now, but it is expensive. But the basic price of a photo is set very cheaply, at 50 cents per photo. I get more per picture on stock pages, so it's still inexpensive. As I do on my photographer's page, I could have packed all of them in a gallery, then 70 euros would be due and I thought that might put you off and I know that there are people who also collect photos and some even for yourself at home, print it out.

Most of them will look at the photos as a member and the gallery price doesn't matter. You might just be wondering what the crap is about having made 4 different variations of a photo. Since I first made the whole picture and video material for the slave and me and she looks for photos that she likes better, and sometimes it will be in color or sometimes the soft black-and-white look or even the extreme dark image Look. I make all photos available to her and you get to see all photos as she gets them.

Look for the most beautiful picture look for you and just think what a crazy guy, turn a photo into 4 photos that only differ in color or picture look.

I've had photo shoots with women who were overwhelmed with it and said I should pick out the most beautiful photos and send them to them ... I won't do that ... Then they are wrong with me.
I can and will only work like this and maybe in the future I will only present one or two image looks here or as before, where I only submitted unedited ones, i.e. completely as photographed, directly from the camera.

I would like to emphasize that almost no photo was edited afterwards ... so every photo is real, the look was only changed with an LR preset. But I don't remove wrinkles, make women younger, thinner or remove pimples. Every photo is real and not otherwise edited! I had women who wanted to be photographed by me and said: "Oh, it doesn't matter, you can put make-up on me afterwards and remove pimples and wrinkles and thinner would be nice too, because they weigh a little too much" ... Den I immediately said that I would compose the photo in the camera viewfinder and only change the image look with my presets and not do anything else on the photos. I am a photographer and not a Photoshopper and if someone has wrinkles, then I take photos of them advantageously, but my photographed women, you can still recognize them later on the street and not you only recognize the woman because she waves at you wildly in the café or is the only woman, waiting for you ... I've already seen it all and that's why I don't do such photo edits!

I capture a moment with a photo and everything else is no longer photography for me and also no longer a real photo. With me, you can still recognize the person who I photographed later and if they look happy in the photo, free of wrinkles and loose, then I caught the moment when it was like that!

I hope there is no uncertainty about my photo series and nobody thinks anything wrong about my photo series ... I hope you like one or the other photo, I would be happy ...

I know that it is not customary to show all or so many photos, but I do not do anything that is customary or other things ... If you don't like it, don't buy photo series and don't look at any. Photos are pure pleasure for me to take ... I also like to take photos and use well over 30 lenses on my digital cameras and even rare, manual lenses and also manual analog cameras and small pictures as well as roll film.

Another reason why I don't really deal with Photoshop, you just have to take a good photo, otherwise it's just crap.

Have fun looking at it and if you like something, please also remember that most photos only come into their own on good photo paper in a nice frame on the wall ...

LG the unknown gentleman


P.S. No video was faked or rerun because someone made a mistake or because something went wrong. No orgasm is faked or expected of the woman to pretend she has had one.

Real session - real submissive women - no fakes and no woman is paid by me or has seen me before the end of the session!